• ECO-Friendly
  • 25+ Years of Experience

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School Cleaning and Janitorial Services

The GBS team has a solid understanding of what a clean place of business means to both you and your employees. Not only is a clean workplace beneficial to you healthwise but it also promotes a strong alliance with your customers showing them a high level of hospitality and recognition.

School Cleaning and Janitorial Services

GBS Commercial Cleaning provides janitorial and maintenance services for universities, private and public schools in Boulder and Broomfield counties.  GBS’ green cleaning practices will minimize exposure to harsh aggressive cleaners and VOC emissions leading to a cleaner, healthier atmosphere which in turn assists in the learning and performance of students.

K-12 Private Schools

Highly competitive private schools know that a professional, clean appearance is vitally important to fostering an environment of achievement for their students.  GBS provides world class janitorial and maintenance services to keep your campus and classrooms looking pristine.

K-12 Public Schools

As school districts are forced to cut costs in these tough economic times, GBS has proved more than capable of providing excellent service as an outsourced partner to educational centers.  We have also assisted schools in implementing Zero Waste and recycling programs to help further reduce costs and reduce the school’s environmental footprint.


At GBS we understand the scale of operations at large universities.  Our teams can work around your varied and long hours of operation in science labs and lecture halls.  Our staff also work very efficiently by only keeping lights on in the classroom or lab where they are currently cleaning, helping to reduce electricity costs.

GBS Commercial Cleaning provides services to educational facilities in the following areas:

Arvada | Boulder | Broomfield | Dacono | Erie | Firestone

Frederick | Gunbarrel | Hygiene | Lafayette | Longmont

Louisville | Lyons | Mead | Niwot | Superior | Westminster

View our business & industrial park service area map

Industries We Serve

  • buildingOffice and Commercial Spaces
  • eco-energyGreen & Renewable Energy Companies
  • charityNon-Profit Organizations
  • museumBanks & Financial Service Companies
  • runningFitness & Recreation Centers
  • biotechBiotech Facilities
  • manufacturingManufacturing & Industrial Facilities
  • building2Government Buildings & Facilities
  • responsiveTech Companies & Start-Ups
  • residentialMulti-Unit Residential Properties
  • health-insuranceHealth & Wellness Facilities
  • graduation-hatSchools & Educational Facilities

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Clients We Serve

boulder nissan
corwin toyota